Friday, September 14, 2007

They Grow Up So Fast!

Another year, another birthday approaches. With each passing year, they grow distant to the memory of the little girl that used to sit high upon my shoulders. They could still sit for I could still carry them (with the price of some aches but well worth it) but that is not what they wish for anymore.

Last year it was a watch. This year a cellular phone was the birthday wish. Yes, but only if she comes up with part of the payment. Cellular phones were once regarded a luxury item but in today's rapid developments for both better and worse, it has also become a necessity. So I pay for the necessity, and she pays for the luxury. Fair deal? Nay, I still end up losing. There's still the talk time to pay for.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Ramble on Extremes

Heart-moving poems...
Songs that being a tear to the eye...
Paintings that stirs emotions...

What do these have in common?
For what I can see, these stem from the two extremes in emotions i.e. Joy and Despair. Eric Clapton's a smash hit Tears in Heaven, was the grieving father's tribute to Conor Clapton, who died in an accident. Some of Vincent Van Gogh's best known works were in the final two years of his life, when he suffered from recurring bouts of mental disorder.

Coupled with talent, these people produced works that are highly regarded, and in cases where art is involved, given a high monetary value though unfortunately it is usually after the demise of the creator.

I have the extremes (note: not at the same time), but not the talent... so nothing to give to the world but this stupid blog entry.