Thursday, March 23, 2006

Not the right answer does not constitute a wrong answer

Sometimes there are more than one answer to a question. Look beyond the obvious and it might amaze you. Here are some humourous takes:

Q. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?
A. Concrete floors are very hard to crack!

Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall,how long would it take four men to build it?
A. No time at all it is already built.

Q. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have?
A. Very large hands.

Q. How can you lift an elephant with one hand?
A. It is not a problem, since you will never find an elephant with one hand.

Q. How can a man go eight days without sleep?
A. No Probs , He sleeps at night.

Q. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become?
A. It will get Wet or Sink as simple as that.

Q. What looks like half apple ?
A : The other half.

Q. What can you never eat for breakfast ?
A : Dinner.

Q. What happened when wheel was invented ?
A : It caused a revolution.

Q. Bay of Bengal is in which state?
A : Liquid

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Do we build or chip-away?

The twelve apostles stood for many centuries defying the wind and the waves that lash relentlessly at the foundations until at last they succeeded in bringing down one mighty structure. It was inevitable as there was nothing to replace that which the elements chip away.

Like the structures of stone, we took can only take so much before succumbing to emotional collapse. But unlike that of the earth, we can replace that which are lost to things that hurt us. Praises, appreciation and love contributes to building the human resilience but if not given often enough to offset the losses, we will end up like the pile of rocks.

Goodness is silent. But why?

Right now I have this overwhelming feeling that I cannot do things correctly. It does not matter what my reasons were except to stand for judgement. Strange that when in school we were told that the end-result did not matter as much as the workings to the answer.

Whatever good done would not weigh as much as a single glaring mistake. Does not matter that you have done a thousand good deeds. Focus will be on that fault and we will face the firing squad for that.

I am exaggerating but that is how I feel right now. Just so very, very down.