Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The Journey West

No diciples, no dragon horse, no long journey (meaning by count of months or years) and no, not going looking for the Western Heaven Monestery (not sure if I got the translation right) and definately no, not getting the Buddhist Sutras.

Just a simple trip and hopefully get to broaden my horizons of the world beyond the boaders of my country. And take lots, and lots of pictures.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Missing friends

I miss some of my friends. One just SMS'd me and this simple gesture brings me joy. We have kept in touch one way or another for the past 11 years. Some I have not heard from for a long time and wonder if they do remember me at all.

Addendum - 01Dec2005
Oh Joy! Received an email from another friend that I have not heard from for some time. He has been through some tough times since the tsunami hit Thailand almost a year ago. I am glad he and his family were ok.