Monday, October 10, 2005

One That Got Away

A test for the EOS-350D. As I was going out this evening for dinner, there was a noise of something moving just 2 meters from where I was standing. At first, I thought it was a cat. I was right, in a way but it was more than that. It was a Civet Cat (Musang)! Ran in to get my camera but I guess it was not comfortable with sudden attention and started to make its way across the balcony to my neighbour's house. Perhaps it was on its way there anyway as one of its favourites was grown next door i.e. Jambu Air (don't know the translation for this fruit).

The neighbour was pretty excited over it as well and welcomed me to try to shoot the picture from his garden. The creature was amongst the leaves and the camera autofocus just could not lock on due to the poor lighting conditions.

Anyway, to cut the story short, it decided it had enough excitement and left the scene via the rooftop. It'll be back.


moggie said...

another 'musang' sighting! been hearing a lot of this lately. i guess the poor things are being driven out further into our jungle. hope nothing happens to it.

Divemuster said...

Quite common around my place. Not quite sure where their from but quite certain that they'll be around when the jambu air tree bears fruit. A few years back we managed to trap some and relocated them to the nearby forest reserve.

moggie said...

good on ya, DM! btw, save some jambu for me?